
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Can You Guess Where Next?

I often think about how I could begin a new post, but I'm often afraid to start. Especially while I'm here in Europe, I've been posting about trips and sightseeing, and I feel guilty not posting about anything sewing related. Then I feel bad for having not written anything new worth reading. But I remind myself, I began blogging because I wanted to have a record for myself of what I've done, and interested readers and such would only be a happy accident. I hope my good intentions are understood, and I feel so very luck to have people wanting to visit this space of the web. For that I sincerely thank you.
As with every well planned segue, here are some cool photos taken from my fall break trip to Barcelona, Spain. Enjoy. :)  
In a center square, at the top of La Rambla. It was quite a cloudy day, but I like the altered sunlight. 

Unfortunately I didn't get to go to a soccer match, they were extremely expensive, but this outside view of a stadium was very cool, complete with it's own adorning statue. 

I loved the giant market off of La Rambla, where I could go and find wonderful fruit and juices just like Kitty did on her trip here. This might have been my favorite thing on the trip.

The building on the right, the Casa Batllo, was designed by the architect Antoni Gaudi. I saw another of his famous works, the Sagrada Familia, but the renovation work did not make for a nice picture. His style and choice of colors were nice to see amongst others in the area. 

It's just a short post today, but it's just right for today; I've actually got two more trips to post about so I'm certainly not short on material. I mentioned last time that I'd be going to Milan, but the other city might not be so easy to guess. If you'd like to take a stab at it in the comments, I may be able to reward the first person with a correct guess!


  1. You had such good weather in Barcelona! What did you think of the city?

  2. The city, hmm. It certainly had a young-crowd, night life vibe, which was quite a change from the cities I visited last fall. I enjoyed the brighter colors and upbeat feel to everything, though I missed the calmer, more historic feel that I love in a city. But every time I saw something architecturally awesome I thought, oh Kitty must have seen this, it's so cool. :)
